A Short History of Nearly Everything By Bill Bryson

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Rate: 5/5

Medium: Audiobook

Overview (No Spoilers): It wouldn’t be an exaggeration at all to make A Short History of Nearly Everything mandatory for all high school science students to read. Bill Bryson delivers an impressively wide range, e.g., the universe, protons, evolution, plate tectonics, etc., scientific facts in an organized, efficient and concise manner that is amenable and engaging to all ages. Many of a professionally trained scientist lacks Bryson’s ability to communicate intricate and complex concepts in a way that is understood by all. Perhaps more fascinating, Bryson, adds in the history and methods employed by many the scientists behind scientific facts which are now taken for granted. As a chemist, I found the background of the scientists extremely intriguing, especially when considering the names that history made infamous, alongside the numerous, brilliant individuals which science and history consequently forgot. Overall, Bryson succeeded in reinvigorated curiosity and a general amazement in science, and the universe/world/history to a level resembling one of my youth. Every person should read A Short History of Nearly Everything at least once, if not twice!


  1. […] This year my was different on many accounts as I was a judge for SPFBO, but I also embarked on a Baby Bookmoon once I’d read that my baby could hear voices in the womb. I reread two of my favorite series, Red Rising by Pierce Brown and A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin on audiobook. I still had half of A Dance with Dragons to go when Quinn was born, so we listen to it together on our walks now. She may be almost six weeks old but she gives me a smile every time she hears Roy Dotrice’s voice. Additional standout reads were both novels I read by Alix E. Harrow and Sylvain Neuvel’s newest novel, A Short History of Nearly Everything. […]


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