Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

Rate: 5/5

Medium: Audiobook

Overview (No Spoilers): Freakonomics has been on the periphery of my radar for years now, however up until recently I never had the initiative to pick up this title. My curiosity was piqued after listening to a Freakonomics podcast with a coworker, coming away duly impressed with the research and interviews conducted. By the end of the thought provoking podcast, I was logging into my local library to add my name to the holds list for the book that started the Freakonomics craze. Within minutes of beginning this audiobook, I knew this book was going to be right up my alley. Levitt perceives the world in such a unique and fascinating way, ultimately formulating his observations and curiosities into questions, whose solutions are often markedly contradictory to the answer that common intuition would suggest. If you are a closed minded individual, this book is probably not for you. In Freakonomics, complex topics are explained, dissected, and wrapped within stories in a way that allows the reader to follow along in an effortlessly hooked manner. I wonder at the extent that Dubner shaped Levitt’s ideas into reading material that was user friendly or perhaps their partnership was evenly balanced throughout this project. The subject matter covers a wide array of topics from drug dealers and cheating teachers, to real-estate agents, abortions, swimming pools and crime rate. Overall, I highly recommend Freakonomics to any one that enjoys a book that  will push their perception of general public knowledge.


  1. Have you read “The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail – But Some Don’t” by Nate Silver? I think it’s the same kind of format that I imagine Freakonomics is. I read it several years ago and really found it interesting.

    I probably should give Freakonomics a try, too.

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  2. Great review! After reading this, I went to my podcast and downloaded one of the freakonomics episodes. I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them before! I’ll definitely be looking for the audiobook/book as well 🙂

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