Wynter’s Edge by Lucas Pederson

SPFBO Status: Cut

Medium: Kindle

Overview (No Spoilers):
Wynter’s Edge has a fascinating premise involving a hodgepodge of nanotechnology, dragons, unicorns, Bigfoot, sorcery, and witchcraft, all set against the backdrop of a crumbling dystopian landscape. That being said, despite having those key pieces to draw the reader in, the worldbuilding and dialogue were mostly one-dimensional. The characters all spoke with the same voice and were mostly indistinguishable, often opting to insert profanity over the opportunity to add further detail or context. Additionally, during various battle scenes or moments of dialogue, repetitive language was an unfortunate distraction in Wynter’s Edge, ultimately hurting the flow of the novel. Overall, Wynter’s Edge contains intriguing individual pieces and pawns, especially with a talking horse thrown into the mix, but more details are needed to fully invest the reader, especially fleshing out the magic of this literary world on the brink of disaster.  flushing out the magic of this literary world on the brink of disaster. 

Additional Insight (Spoilers Abound):

  • How did Circe become a cursed horse? Was Circe really working with the nites? Also, her death felt more like an afterthought. I wanted to know so much more about her!
  • Wynter and Circe’s friendship felt rushed, as all of a sudden Wynter was referring to this relatively new acquaintance as her only friend. 
  • I may have missed key clues, but I was 10% of the way through this book before I realized Wynter was female. 
  • Why is Wynter only a subhuman? Why/how can she wield powers? She really didn’t have many redeeming characteristics, choosing to brutally kill or injure with little to no provocation. 
  • With the president is dead, who will take over now? How did Wynter get back through the beasts guarding the walls? 
  • Are the Psychonauts really as bad as Wynter says they are? I feel like I can’t trust her judgement because she hates everything. 
  • There’s a scene where Wynter stops at a village to buy grain for Circe. As Circe is then recuperating, Wynter is observing the town from afar and comes to the following assumption from just looking at the men walking around town wearing a specific Scottish sword. “These men, they’re bumbling fools, like so many men tend to be. They are the woman beaters. Their home version equivalent of a dictator. In a single world…evil. Devils in human skin.” Such strong opinions offered from just the briefest of interactions/observations.

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